Shamanic Guidance on a specific question

Some clients are in need of guidance. Others want healing and guidance combined. During a session with can do both. I journey shamanically to recieve information and insight on your questions.

Some shamanic guidance sessions I've done are: introducing my clients Guides, Angels or Power animals. However, sometimes the Guides don't want to be introduced by me, they might want the client to try themselves.

Other common sessions are in regards to the areas of work, love life, things the client needs to know but isn't concious about etc. We can ask whatever we want, but sometimes the answers are unexpected or less clear than we wish.

The guidance often entails symbols and messages that I convey to you. At times they are for you to dechiffer, I may not understand the symbols but they might resonate for you.

Procedure: Vi träffas at the clinic eller på distans via Zoom. Vi pratar en stund om hur du mår och vidare vad du behöver hjälp med eller vill få vägledning kring. Som sagt brukar denna behandling ingå i några av de andra behandlingarna. Jag reser sedan shamanskt (ungefär som att meditera) i 10-15 minuter och söker svar.

Below you find questions that could help you out when seeking shamanic guidance:

Soul purpose, task and meaning

  • What gifts do I have in this life and how can I make use of them?
  • What is my highest path and I do I follow it?
  • What is my purpose in this life?


  • What convictions do I have in this life that aren't serving me?


  • What pattern is sabotaging my life? Why am I self-sabotaging?
  • What am I afraid of losing?
  • What do I need to do in order to fully enjoy life?


  • How can I handle the situation with....?
  • What aspects of [person's name] are mirroring myself?
  • What do I need to do to solve the problem with this person?


  • Fear of abandonment
  • Fear of trusting
  • Fear of not being enough
  • Fear of losing something

Some questions are borrowed from: Ortiz, Ernesto (2016). Akashaarkiven: själens resa i det kollektiva medvetandet. Stockholm: Vattumannen

Read more about the other techniques that may be part of your shamanic healing session, or book your session at once by clicking the menu "Booking" här.

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