Soul loss is a defence mechanism that we use when something traumatic happens to us or chocking events that occur. When this happens our soul or parts of our soul might decide to flee, it can't stand the pain and suffering. In that way we still survive the trauma but are left with a void in our energy body since parts of our soul are now missing. We no longer stand in our power. This makes us feel bad or sick and might show physically, mentally and emotionally.
Reasons or events that might precede soul loss:
- abuse (sexual, emotional or physical)
- rape
- violence
- war and conflicts
- being in an accident
- divorce, separation and being abandoned
- going against your morals or values
- nature disasters
- experiencing bullying or exclusion
- surgical procedures
- substance abuse/addiction
- illness
- miscarriage or abortion
- a traumatic birth
- losing a dear one
Symptoms of soul loss:
Frequently you feel that something is missing or that you "haven't felt the same since..." or that you "don't feel whole". At times the soul loss has occured in our childhood. It is important to remember that small things may be very traumatic for children but feel less traumatic in the eyes of an adult. Still, these "small events" may have caused a soul loss.
Other symptoms are cronic depression, thought of self harm or suicide, PTSD, grief that never goes away, addiction and issues with your immune system.
When I search for your lost soul part and bring it home, please remember that I'm not bringing home the trauma itself, just the part that left when experiencing the trauma. I'm bringing home your missing part.
Procedure: Vi träffas at the clinic eller på distans via Zoom. Vi pratar en stund om hur du mår och vidare vad du behöver hjälp med. En själshämtning görs när jag har fått klartecken av guiderna att det är det du behöver. Jag reser sedan shamanskt (ungefär som att meditera) i 10-15 minuter och hämtar hem den själsdel som du har tappat. Ibland får jag en bakgrundhistoria på varför den lämnat, och ibland ska jag bara hämta hem den utan vidare. Själsdelen kommer ofta med minnen eller tankar, du får vara beredd att du kan känna dig lite annorlunda när själsdelen är tillbaka i dig. Jag kallar också in en Guide till dig som ska hjälpa till med integreringen av denna själsdel och som kan bistå med information om du behöver göra något särskilt för att underlätta integreringen av själsdelen.
A week after your session, I send instructions of a fire ceremony that needs to be done to help your soul part integrate even more.
A soul retrieval is a deep healing treatment on a soul level and should only be done at a maximum of 1 or 2 per year. It demands patience and results may take time to be felt.
Read more about the other techniques that may be part of your shamanic healing session, or book your session at once by clicking the menu "Booking" här.