An extraction means removing intrusions in your energy body. One could call it a deep cleanse of blockages or "garbage". When we don't feel good we lose power and sort of leak energy. Our body becomes weaker and covered with gaps that we might try filling with other things or energies that shouldn't be there.
What's a spiritual intrusion?
- Everything that is not part of our own power or energy.
- Things we might have done or filled our lives with in order to feel better or even for survival. Behavioral patterns, addictions and such.
- Thought patterns that aren't helpful and that might have gotten stuck in our bodies.
- Curses. Either projected energies from someone else such as jealousy or disgust or self-doubt we have fed ourselves, which then have formed into a blockeage.
Procedure: Vi träffas at the clinic eller på distans via Zoom. Vi pratar en stund om hur du mår och vidare vad du behöver hjälp med. Jag reser sedan shamanskt (ungefär som att meditera) i 10-15 minuter och får titta på dig i den shamanska världen. Sedan rensar mina Guider dig och kallar in medicinkraftdjur som kommer in och täcker för de sår/hål som blir i din energikropp. Det är viktigt att när vi plockar bort något att du inte går runt med ”håligheter” där annat skräp kan hoppa in.
Once the journey is done I retell everything that happened. Sometimes I get the full story behind a blockeage, and sometimes just the form or chord that was attached to you. Keep an open mind. The things cleared are not supposed to come back unless you allow it to.
Read more about the other techniques that may be part of your shamanic healing session, or book your session at once by clicking the menu "Booking" här.